Meet The Dizzy Weaver
In May of 2017, a lovely woman who goes by the name "Zada Mae", came to our neighborhood clubhouse and taught a 3 hour class in Pine Needle Basketry. It is an understatement to say I was "hooked"! I enjoyed the class and the process so much, that I signed up for several more classes that she taught at Hobby Lobby, learning how to start a basket base from the beginning, and mastering different stitches and techniques. After less than two years, my friend Nancy nicknamed me THE DIZZY WEAVER, because by then, I had already completed over 350 baskets! (Note: as of June, 2021, I have made over 1,000 ornaments and baskets!)
Sandi Blood
aka The Dizzy Weaver
I have been a photographer for several years. While most of my free time is now spent in basketry, I still enjoy my camera and have incorporated some of my photographs in basket bases. I am fortunate to live on a golf course, where the hole behind my house includes several long leaf pine trees, offering an opportunity for collecting the needles close by. I also found another location only a few miles away, where there is a long stretch of long leaf pine trees along the road. That's where you can find me when my supply is running low!